10 Surprising Ways Thor & Buffy The Vampire Slayer Mirror Each Other

5. Both Deal With Their Mother's Death

Frigga Joyce In very different circumstances, both Thor and Buffy have had to deal with the deaths of their Mothers. Most recently, in Thor: The Dark World, Thor's stepmother, Frigga, was killed in battle whilst protecting Jane Foster from Malekith and Kurse during an invasion of Asgard (which they did with the intention of acquiring the Aether. which was inside Jane Foster at the time). She displayed incredible skill in battle against Malekith, indeed besting him, but succumbed to the blade of Kurse, which he plunged in to her heart. Thor was understandably devastated, but he got on with things and, ultimately, saved the universe. Buffy lost her Mother, Joyce, in season five of the show - the episode "The Body" (a reference to Buffy shocking herself by referring to her mother's corpse as "the body") being one of the most poignant and stunning episodes of any television show in history. Joyce died of an aneurysm suddenly and painlessly, having previously suffered from a brain tumour. It occurred during the season in which Buffy already had enough trouble trying to protect her sister from the hell god Glory and crushed the illusion that Buffy's real or "normal" life €” which Buffy frequently said she wanted but couldn't have €” was trouble-free. Buffy was seemingly devastated much more than Thor when her mother died and, although she tried to pull through, her mother's death affected her terribly - from the fact that she vomited soon after discovering the body, to the general daily life in which she sometimes needed a mother to console her.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.