10 Surprisingly Great Movies From Summer 2016

7. Lights Out

Star Trek Beyond Pete S Dragon Lights Out
Warner Bros.

What We Expected: Yet another bust for talented lead actress Teresa Palmer, delivering generic shocks, predictable jump scares and a supernatural back story you can't even begin to give a damn about, while brutally wasting Maria Bello in a supporting role.

What We Got: Palmer finally gets a solid leading role and acts the hell out of it here, for what may seem like generic horror fodder is a surprisingly effective little chiller that makes the most of one of humanity's most common fears: the dark.

It's an extremely simple concept and proves that sometimes a basic, elemental premise can be so much more gratifying than complex, effects-driven scares.

It's not without the occasional groan-worthy jump scare, but the characters are uncommonly smart for the genre, the family drama actually works, Maria Bello gives a strong performance as Palmer's mother, and at only 80 minutes in length, it doesn't outstay its welcome for even a moment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.