5. Harold Ramis
The Five Awful Movies: Analyse This, Bedazzled, Analyse That, The Ice Harvest, Year OneCaddyshack. National Lampoon's Vacation. Groundhog Day. Three movies that Harold Ramis directed early in his career. Three movies that you could easily claim were the best comedy flicks of all time, and nobody would dare dispute your picks - that's how good they are! But as with another director renowned for his comedy ventures who you'll encounter later on in this list, Ramis hit a snag after being at the helm of what is possibly the greatest comedy ever made,
Groundhog Day, and has never recovered since. Now he creates total . Sure,
Analyse This might have its defenders, which makes sense given that it was granted an ill-judged sequel later on when Robert De Niro and Billy Crystal needed the work, but I only found the original movie to be kind of embarrassing and ridden with cliches - not up to standard for the man who made three of the most beloved comedy movies in existence. Other middling attempts to amuse us aside, there's also
Year One, which is perhaps the most inexcusably dull comedy I've ever sat through. And to waste Jack Black and Michael Cera! For shame!