10 More Tear-Jerking Moments In Incredibly Macho Movies

8. Revealing The Horrors Of War - First Blood

The Movie: When former Special Forces veteran and post-traumatic stress sufferer John Rambo is picked up for vagrancy by an abusive Sheriff (Brian Dennehy) in a small town he is brutally mistreated. After breaking out of the jail, he is pursued by the local cops who are out for his blood but Rambo won't go quietly into the night. Tear-Jerker Moment: After playing a vicious game of cat and mouse Rambo has the Sheriff at his mercy in the police station. Before he can pull the trigger his war time C.O. Colonel Trautman enters and talks him down. During their exchange the PTSD-afflicted Rambo breaks downs and recalls his horrific experiences during the Vietnam war. Seeing an M-60 sporting, one man army so vulnerable recounting a particularly gruesome story about a friend being blown up in front of him hits all alpha dogs like a sledgehammer to the solar plexus.

Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.