10 Tear-Jerking Moments In Incredibly Macho Movies

3. "Mommy..." - Saving Private Ryan

RibsiThe Movie: In one of the most lauded war films ever made, a company of soldiers under the command of Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) are ordered to locate the eponymous Private Ryan and escort him to safety, following the death of three of his brothers in combat. Tear Jerker Moment: All hard men think they'd make great soldiers, and while most war films that glorify war throw gasoline on that particular fire of thought, the best show the true horror of it. This is personified in the very intimate death scene of field medic Wade (Giovanni Ribisi). Shot through the liver storming a German machine gun position, he recognises he can't be saved and asks for morphine. He dies crying for his mother. If you don't get emotional watching this scene, then you need to see a doctor immediately, because you're probably dead inside.

Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.