10 Terrible CGI Movie Moments You Can’t Unsee

8. Hellboy - That Ian McShane Moment

When Hellboy finally returned to our screens in 2019, fans wandered into the film with a spring in their step as the first few glimpses of the reboot looked promising. One particular shot of Hellboy riding on a dragon was visually stunning!

Sadly, what we actually got in the end was a half-arsed attempt to bring Hellboy's world to life as the majority of the CGI on show was border line offensive.

The disjointed scene where David Harbour's Hellboy fights off some CGI giants definitely sticks out as one of the worst visual offences in the film. However, that scene looks like a visual masterpiece compared to that Ian McShane moment at the end of the movie.

McShane's Trevor Bruttenholm had just been killed by Mila Jovovich's Blood Queen, so a p*ssed off Hellboy decides to finally yank out Excalibur and looks set to bring about the apocalypse.

Then, in a last gasp attempt to appeal to his human side, Alice uses her powers to channel Bruttenholm's spirit who then tells the demonic being that he is 'better than this'.

Yet, that is exactly the same thing that fans said in response to this now-infamous visual blunder, as surely the film's visual effects team could have produced a floating spirit which was 'better than this'.

Unfortunately, the feature's relatively small $50 million budget meant that the team weren't able to juggle a deeply realistic Anung un Rama and convincing second coming of Bruttenholm at the same time. So, we just got this weird head on top of an animated umbilical cord, instead.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...