3. Blade Trinity
Why It Was Terrible: I swear R rated comic book films have been cursed ever since critics have been bashing the crap out of movies we enjoyed like 300 back in 2006. Since then almost the only R rated comic book movie to not get torn to shreds and thrown to the dogs has been Kick Ass and look what they did with the sequel. Blade Trinity doesn't necessarily fit into this category perfectly, but I want to make a point for numbers two and one that follow. This film, being the third installment in the modern vampire hunting vigilante series, was trounced by critics and fans alike for being lighter in tone as opposed to the nightmare of blood curdling grunge the first two were. It even dared to mess with our precious notions of Dracula, giving him a completely new spin as the Sumerian Drake.
Why You Should Revisit: As far as bad comic book films are concerned Blade Trinity is probably the most entertaining ever made. It still boils down to being about Wesley Snipes being jacked and killing vampires. This time the only difference is it also has Ryan Reynolds there to crack jokes. Sure it does loose the edge that was in the first and a little overdone in the second, but if you stop for a moment and look back on those films with a critical eye you may agree that they were a little cheesy too.