10 Terrible Films That The Wrong Person Got Blamed For
7. Zack Snyder - Man Of Steel
Who Else Was To Blame: David S. Goyer.
Zack Snyder has had the career ascension of a top-tier director despite never having made a truly great film. One constant through his work partially explains this; aside from the smug vanity project Sucker Punch, they're all adaptations. And out of all of them, he's only credited as a screenwriter for 300. He's a man who works well within the studio system, and though there's an individual, if marketable, style to his films, he thrives as part of a team. And yet when Man Of Steel flew into cinemas the responses varied from meh to that was so bad even Batman couldn't save it, and Snyder took the brunt of the blame.
It's a side effect of the trademark sheen his movies all share: they all look alike, so everything in there must be his. Except in Superman's case, there's a lot more wrong than the action (which is all Snyder). David S. Goyer's script is merely a retread of his own Batman Begins with Bruce replaced with Clark: all of the beats, right down to the narratively opportune flashback, are here.
However, as Goyer was a strong force behind The Dark Knight Trilogy he has a free pass. Maybe that goodwill will run out come the sequel.