10 Terrible Films That The Wrong Person Got Blamed For

7. Zack Snyder - Man Of Steel

Henry Cavill Man Of Steel 2 Superman Solo
Warner Bros.

Who Else Was To Blame: David S. Goyer.

Zack Snyder has had the career ascension of a top-tier director despite never having made a truly great film. One constant through his work partially explains this; aside from the smug vanity project Sucker Punch, they'€™re all adaptations. And out of all of them, he'€™s only credited as a screenwriter for 300. He€™'s a man who works well within the studio system, and though there'€™s an individual, if marketable, style to his films, he thrives as part of a team. And yet when Man Of Steel flew into cinemas the responses varied from €œmeh€ to €œthat was so bad even Batman couldn't save it,€ and Snyder took the brunt of the blame.

It€™'s a side effect of the trademark sheen his movies all share: they all look alike, so everything in there must be his. Except in Superman'€™s case, there€™'s a lot more wrong than the action (which is all Snyder). David S. Goyer'€™s script is merely a retread of his own Batman Begins with Bruce replaced with Clark: all of the beats, right down to the narratively opportune flashback, are here.

However, as Goyer was a strong force behind The Dark Knight Trilogy he has a free pass. Maybe that goodwill will run out come the sequel.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.