10 Terrible Films That The Wrong Person Got Blamed For

3. Peter Jackson - The Hobbit Trilogy

The Hobbit Martin Freeman
New Line Cinema

Who Else Was To Blame: Guillermo Del Toro.

So much was made before the release about the transformation of The Hobbit into an epic trilogy and our worries quickly became reality; it'€™s stretched beyond belief. And, just as with Lucas and Star Wars before, fans have been quick to point the finger directly at the director. And it's fair to a degree; since The Lord Of The Ring's Jackson has certainly shown he€™'s a very different man to the one who made Heavenly Creatures; whether his source is a ninety minute creature feature or a character-based novel his films have become lengthy CGI-glazed extravaganzas that miss the whole point.

It was, after all, his decision to boost The Hobbit from an already questionable two films to three. But the fact it had already reached a point where it wasn'€™t a single movie suggests something had already gone wrong. Originally Guillermo Del Toro was going to be the one bringing Bilbo'€™s journey to life and although his version would have no doubt been a little more practical, he still made the choice to split the book in the first place.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.