10 Terrible Horror Movies That Had Unbelievably Good Endings

6. As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below
Universal Pictures

In Above, So Below, plucky scholar, Scarlet Marlowe, ventures into the Catacombs of Paris with her team, hoping to find the legendary philosopher's stone. After discovering several demonic texts and artefacts, Scarlet begins to suspect she is literally walking into Hell.

As Above, So Below has the potential to be truly terrifying (especially since the Catacombs is a very real place that harbours six million skeletons). But like most found footage docs, the visuals are often compromised by shaky-cam and darkness. Although the jerky camera movements are meant to intensify the drama and claustrophobia, it's just annoying, since it's difficult to tell what's going on half the time.

But once Scarlet and her party find themselves in the bowels of the earth, the inchoate scares are swapped out for balls-to-the-wall nightmare fuel. Gargoyles burst from the walls, chattering teeth appear in every corner, blood gushes from puddles, and a burning car sucks Scarlet's tour guide into the ground!

As Above, So Below suffers from a selection of overused horror tropes, but the last 20 minutes is an unforgettable trip, brimming with chaos and madness.

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