10 Terrible Horror Movies That Tricked You Into Thinking They’re Good

1. Final Destination

The Purge
New Line Cinema

In much the same vein as The Purge movies, the Final Destination series has a killer (pun slightly intended) premise that is never wholly followed through on.

A person with foresight cheating death only for the reaper to come after them in increasingly more frightening ways? That's genius!

Unfortunately, the first film never really develops the idea beyond that simple sentence you just read.

The whole "death is coming to get you" malarky gets real old real quick and it becomes obvious very quickly that there isn't actually a way out of this for the heroes. An interesting idea, but not one that generates a lot of excitement.

Final Destination quickly turns into a standard slasher movie, except there isn't even a cool villain for fans to latch on to. Nobody's going out there and buying "The Metaphysical Concept of Death" Funko Pops, are they?

Even with approximately a bajillion sequels, this series never quite got to where it needed to be. And you know whose fault that is?


If you'd stopped going to see them, then maybe they'd have actually had to have come up with something new!

Shame - shame on you all.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.