10 Terrible Horror Movies With ONE Incredible Scene

These scenes were so good, they almost made up for the rest of these bad horror movies.

Jason X Thumbnail
New Line Cinema

A bad horror movie is one thing, but it's an entirely different kettle of fish to talk about a bad horror with just one amazing scene. 

Imagine eating a vile-tasting cake only to discover that the icing is perfect. You'd think to yourself, "if they could get that part right, why was the rest of the cake so bad?" That's essentially the case with these movies here - they got one scene bang on, so what happened to the other parts of the film? 

Inventive kills, bloody fight scenes, and heartbreaking final moments are among some of the highlights of these otherwise dreadful creations. Some come right at the start, some towards the end, and some are peppered throughout the middle, creating an uncomfortable rollercoaster of quality. 

Anyone who has seen any of these movies will know just how frustrating it is to have your hopes raised in one scene, only to have them brought crashing back down to Earth mere minutes later.

Think of this list as a cinematic sieve, filtering out the good bits and letting the bad stuff go right down the drain. You're welcome. 

10. The Redfields vs Wesker - Resident Evil: Afterlife

Jason X Thumbnail
Screen Gems

It's safe to say that the Resident Evil series of films made far less of a splash than the video games they were based on.

Afterlife, the fourth instalment of the Paul W. S. Anderson-directed series, drew mostly from the fifth game and introduced moviegoers to the character of Chris Redfield (Wentworth Miller). In Resi 5, Chris has an epic confrontation with main antagonist Albert Wesker, and the film recreates this iconic moment, only with Chris' sister Claire at his side. 

The fight between Chris and Claire (Ali Larter) and Wesker (Shawn Roberts) is by far and away the highlight of this otherwise dismal movie.

It's so well-choreographed, with the suped-up Wesker able to dodge bullets and survive knife attacks as the Redfield siblings desperately try to put him down. There's also a great bit of CGI where Wesker throws his glasses through the air and you can see the reflections of the three characters in them. It looked great at the time, and it still looks great now. 

Where the hell was this sort of creativity for the rest of the runtime? Or the rest of the franchise, for that matter?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.