10 Terrible Horror Movies With ONE Incredible Scene

8. Dr. Ames’ Death - Case 39

Jason X Thumbnail
Paramount Pictures

2009 was the year everyone fell in love with Bradley Cooper, thanks to his performance in The Hangover. It was also the year a long-delayed, moderate-budget horror flick he'd made back in 2006 finally got released. 

Case 39, also starring Renée Zellweger and Ian McShane, is about a young girl who, after being taken away from her parents by a social worker, begins to exhibit strange powers. Cooper plays Dr. Douglas J. Ames, a psychiatrist and social worker Emily's best friend, who agrees to perform an evaluation on her latest client. It does not go well.

Lillith (of course the girl is called Lillith) ends up discovering the good doctor's worst fears and uses them against him. Later that night, when at home, hornets slowly begin to emerge from Ames' body - his ears, nose, and even from under his eyelids. Horrified by what's happening, Ames kills himself by snapping his own neck. 

This is a brilliantly creepy scene, well-produced and well-acted by Mr. Cooper. If only the rest of the film was anywhere near as original or impactful. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.