10 Terrible Movie Sequels That Prove Bigger Definitely Doesn't Mean Better

8. Independence Day: Resurgence

Speed 2 Cruise Control
20th Century Fox

Independence Day was one of the most definitive and iconic blockbusters of the 1990s, and became the second highest-grossing movie ever made after bringing in a whopping $817m at the box office.

It didn't exactly set itself up for a sequel, but after spending two decades in development hell Roland Emmerich finally got around to revisiting the biggest hit of his career twenty years later, and it would be an understatement to say that the results were vastly inferior.

Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman may have been back, but they weren't really given an awful lot to do, and having the charisma-free Liam Hemsworth and Jessie Usher lead the cast wasn't a great idea in retrospect in a sequel that was completely unnecessary. By the time the credits rolled, people were a lot more interested in revisiting the original again than seeing a third outing.

Costing a pricey $165m, Independence Day: Resurgence came in at double the cost of the first movie, and yet wound up ending its theatrical run with almost half a billion dollars less in the coffers.


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