10 Terrible Movies Everyone Goes Way Too Easy On
8. Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Say what you want about the prequels. Be as reserved as you want about the sequels. The worst Star Wars movie was made back in 2008. The Clone Wars TV series grew in reputation with fans as time went by (although its actual resemblance to the galaxy that spawned it by cancellation was nil) and as it did this feature-length pilot was all but forgotten. But it really shouldn't be given that it's the absolute worst example of how far Lucas' desire to plunder his creation for merchandise goes.
The film itself is an altogether cheap affair that use basic iconography (lightsabers, clones, erm... um... why not throw in Jabba?) to make you think it's something worthwhile while retroactively cheapening the much-loved franchise. Its very existence churns up a lot of the mythos existing the movies - Anakin has an apprentice, Jabba has a son, Anakin and Obi-Wan met Dooku between their live-action clashes - but its real crime is how unashamedly it is pushing the toys.
The ewoks brought in a younger demographic and the only reason droids came in so many flavours was due to action figure possibilities, but The Clone Wars takes the blue-cake. Everything in the film seems to have been thought out as to maximise merchandising profit - there's even an attempt to make a new Millennium Falcon. It'd be impressive, if it wasn't just so cynical.