10 Terrible Movies Everyone Goes Way Too Easy On
6. The Human Centipede
The central conceit of The Human Centipede is that a group of people are attached mouth to anus. That also happens to be the entire plot.
It's so rare to find a horror film that really shocks you. When Hollywood isn't remaking classics, it's curating spooky stories that get most of their scares from making you jump. Be it with a smart, or even original, plot or something so visually disgusting it becomes ingrained on your retinas, a film truly affecting is a major delight. And to director Tom Six's credit his concept for The Human Centipede is down right disgusting.
Once you get past that, however, there's literally nothing in the film worth remarking on. Two girls are held hostage by a crazy German scientist who wants to perform the titular surgery on them and... from there you can extrapolate the story beats. The film is incredibly basic in its plotting (first act threat, second act realisation, third act fight back) and while you can excuse the acting for something this cheap, the fact is there's nothing of worth except the main idea. Think the later Saw sequels and you're not far off.