10 Terrible Movies That Cost Way More Than They Needed To

7. King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword - $175m

Lone Ranger 2
Warner Bros. Pictures

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword had been predicted to tank spectacularly at the box office from pretty much the moment it was announced, and to the surprise of nobody it did exactly that. A particularly egregious example of Hollywood excess, when the dust had settled the movie ended up losing Warner Bros. over $150m.

Quite why an origin story for Camelot's favorite son was given a budget of $175m is a mystery, when even spending half as much on it would have been a stupid decision. Probably to pay for the weird CGI giant elephant things, whatever the hell that basement-dwelling sea hag is supposed to be, the giant snake that eats a ton of henchmen, and Jude Law's transformation from scenery-chewing usurper of the throne to poorly-rendered video game character for the climactic battle.

You have to admire the optimism of the creative team that viewed Legend of the Sword as the launchpad for a six-film Knights of the Round Table franchise, when literally everybody else knew this thing was going to suck. The only positive thing to say about King Arthur is that Daniel Pemberton's score is f**king fantastic.


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