10 Terrible Movies That Cost Way More Than They Needed To

3. Wild Wild West - $170m

Lone Ranger 2
Warner Bros.

A rare, and bloody huge, misstep for Will Smith during his reign as the world's most bankable movie star during the 90's, even 'The King of Summer' couldn't save Wild Wild West from the critical and commercial drubbing it completely deserved in the summer of 1999.

The scattershot approach of director Barry Sonnenfeld and the four credited screenwriters sees Wild Wild West utterly fail at every type of genre it attempts to be; it is a comedy with no laughs, an action flick with no standout set-pieces and a steampunk Western that is neither innovative or entertaining. At least producer Jon Peters finally managed to satisfy his strange fetish for incorporating a giant mechanical spider into one of his movies.

Unsurprisingly for a blockbuster that relied so heavily on its visual effects, Wild Wild West cost an absolute fortune at $170m, making it one of the most expensive movies ever made at the time. It did manage to earn $222.1m at the box office, but that was nowhere near enough to turn a profit for what would go on to become an eight-time Razzie-winning movie.


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