10 Terrible Movies That Tricked You Into Thinking They're Good

1. Alita: Battle Angel

The Cell Jennifer Lopez
20th Century Studios

Alita: Battle Angel was a film just about everybody wanted to be good, given that it had been James Cameron's pet project for more than 15 years before it finally released in 2019, with Robert Rodriguez taking over the directing reins.

With stunning visual effects and a script co-written by Cameron himself, what could possibly go wrong?

Yet if you remove the admittedly impressive technical spectacle - especially the Motorball sequence - you're left with an often embarrassingly poor piece of storytelling.

Were it not for the shiny effects, Alita would've been far more easily exposed as the braindead manga adaptation it actually was.

From the overwhelming tide of expository dialogue to the risible romantic subplotting, this was a film desperately in search of a soul - which is rather ironic given the subject matter.

Since Alita underperformed at the box office, we've been inundated with a bevy of "Alita is good, actually" think-pieces, but one wants to ask anyone who genuinely thinks this - have you actually watched the movie again since 2019?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.