10 Terrible Movies That Tricked You Into Thinking They're Good

8. Jurassic World

The Cell Jennifer Lopez

Movies can often benefit from low expectations, where the audience has lost enough faith in a franchise that anything hovering around or slightly above awful ends up surprisingly well received.

And so we come to Jurassic World, which released almost 15 years after the shambolic, franchise-obliterating Jurassic Park III, and was widely touted as a major return-to-form - a glossy soft reboot which updated the series' formula for modern tastes.

With rising filmmaker Colin Trevorrow in the director's chair, some of the writers of the recent Planet of the Apes films penning the script, and a solid ensemble cast, it had everything it needed to be great, right?

While Jurassic World wasn't as insultingly braindead or cut-to-shreds as Jurassic Park III, it was still a mostly soulless action blockbuster which lazily coasted off the audience's enduring goodwill for Steven Spielberg's original film.

Dinosaurs! Chris Pratt! Just switch your brain off and enjoy the ride! Except, considering how genuinely masterful the original Jurassic Park still is, the IP deserves so, so much better than this aggressively creatively bankrupt, cynically nostalgia-baiting slop.

And the worst thing of all? The two Jurassic World sequels were impressively much worse.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.