10 Terrible Movies That Tricked You Into Thinking They're Good

4. The Cell

The Cell Jennifer Lopez
New Line Cinema

Tarsem Singh's directorial debut The Cell is an unquestionably visually stunning film, but why would you expect anything less from one of the 1990s' most prolific music video and commercial directors?

And fittingly, The Cell feels like a 107-minute music video - stylish, superficially intriguing, and completely lacking in the context or nuance that might let it have any staying power whatsoever.

It's a textbook example of a movie that feels like the visual ideas were all conceived first, and then a screenplay was hurriedly reverse-engineered around the sparse, often ill-fitting concepts.

It is a film less than the sum of its parts - the two-dimensional characters and confusing, self-consciously edgy story only further making this unwieldy mash-up of The Matrix and The Silence of the Lambs feel like a teenage boy's wet dream bafflingly bankrolled to the tune of $33 million.

The Cell still has its many defenders to this very day, but behind its eye-wateringly pretty facade is a limp nothingburger of an actual movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.