10 Terrible Third Acts That Ruined Recent Movies

9. Blue Beetle

The Flash
Warner Bros.

It's rather apt that a film that feels so aggressively ripped out of the early 2000s climaxes with a headache-inducing mish-mash of painfully uninteresting, visually drab CGI battles.

After spending so much of its first two acts smartly training its focus on developing its central character and his rather charming family, Blue Beetle squanders its last one fulfilling every last expectation of big-budget superhero movies with all the enthusiasm of someone doing their laundry.

From hero Jaime Reyes (Xolo Maridueña) having a corny vision of his late father Alberto (Damián Alcázar), to the off-puttingly video game-y fight between Blue Beetle and Carapax (Raoul Max Trujillo), Carapax's subsequent shoehorned face turn, and Susan Sarandon's cardboard-stiff performance as villain Victoria Kord, the final half-hour is a hot mess of hokey storytelling and moldy superhero movie tropes.

That the mid-credits scene then oh-so-predictably tees up the return of the original Blue Beetle, Ted Kord, in a sequel that's never going to happen, tops off just how relentlessly generic and soulless the third act feels compared to the more genuine ones that preceded it.

That Cypress Hill needle drop during one of the climactic fight scenes is undeniably sick, though.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.