10 Terrible Third Acts That Ruined Recent Movies

3. The Flash

The Flash
Warner Bros.

Until it starts wrapping up, The Flash is a pretty fun movie - steadfastly refusing to take itself too seriously and having free-wheeling fun with its time travel-infused premise, if you can forgive some indefensibly horrendous CGI, that is.

But it all goes down the tubes once the two versions of Barry Allen (Ezra Miller) team up with Supergirl (Sasha Calle) and Batman (Michael Keaton) to battle General Zod (Michael Shannon) and his forces on perhaps the dullest, ugliest battlefield in the history of superhero movies.

From here all manner of nonsense ensues. Supergirl and Batman end up dying for real once Barry realises their fates are unchangeable, a multiversal incursion is set in motion rife with ghoulish deepfake cameos from the likes of Christopher Reeve and Adam West, the Barrys end up fighting a third, older Barry, and it all wraps up with a George Clooney Batman cameo which proved more confusing than enthralling.

It was undeniably ballsy for this movie to kill off both Supergirl and Batman for good, but it was also mesmerisingly stupid - if perhaps apt in retrospect given that the DC Extended Universe is about to be finally tossed in the bin itself.

All the same, from its questionable deaths to the rough action sequences, ethically dubious digital cameos, and that ridiculous ending, all the goodwill The Flash built up in those first two acts was spaffed up the wall in the final one.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.