10 Terrible Threequels That Ruined A GREAT Trilogy

9. Beverly Hills Cop III

Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

The original Beverly Hills Cop is of course one of the most beloved action-comedies of all time, and even though the second film didn't hit the same heights, it was still a solid sit largely thanks to Eddie Murphy's boundlessly energetic central performance.

But Beverly Hills Cop III came along seven years later in 1994, and it's painfully clear from watching it that neither Murphy nor director John Landis had much enthusiasm for it.

Murphy is totally checked out throughout the threequel, and given the baffling decision to set the film primarily in an amusement park - despite it retaining the R rating of its predecessors - it's tough to blame him.

The humour mostly doesn't land, the stakes are subterranean, the villain is deathly dull, and the omission of John Ashton's beloved Taggart was sorely felt. 

It is a quintessential "we made it because we could" movie - an ATM for everyone involved and little else.

Thankfully this didn't end up being Axel Foley's sign-off, however, what with the surprisingly solid recent fourth movie, Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F, which fans might as well consider the real threequel.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.