10 Terrifying Characters In Non-Horror Movies

4. Frank Booth - Blue Velvet

Judge Doom Gif
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group

Admittedly, just about every film David Lynch has ever made has some horror elements, but this 1986 classic exists primarily in the noir genre. That is, until Dennis Hopper’s Frank Booth enters the scene.

The signature performance of late wild man actor Dennis Hopper, Frank Booth is all rage and id, a snarling little man whose sexual appetites and proclivities make him one of the most terrifyingly unpredictable characters ever seen on screen, more than capable of losing his temper over a preference of lager brand. A hot headed gangster, Booth is engaged in a destructive and distressing relationship with Isabella Rossellini’s Dorothy, who he has treat him like a child. Into all this stumbles Jeffrey, a mild mannered college student, who falls in with Frank and finds himself unable to struggle free.

Blue Velvet is all about the dark side of the American experience, what goes on behind the pristine picket fences of the typical US suburb. Its horror is a creeping one, as the characters find themselves sucked ever further into a labyrinth of sex and violence - with Frank the monster waiting in the centre.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)