10 Terrifying Characters In Non-Horror Movies

2. Dolores Umbridge - Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

Judge Doom Gif
Warner Bros.

The Harry Potter universe is full of frightful monsters and terrifying beasts, but J K Rowling’s scariest creation might just be a prim, middle aged woman with a penchant for cardigans. Dolores Umbridge doesn’t take up a lot of story time across the eight film franchise, but the torment she causes the heroes makes for some of the most memorable moments.

An unmovable stickler for the rules and a petty tyrant, Umbridge takes an instant dislike to the iconoclastic Harry, who is attempting to warn the wizarding world that Lord Voldemort has returned - in direct opposition to the company line. Harry is sentenced to detention - not the most frightful fate he has experienced, until he begins to write with a magic quill which scratches whatever it writes into his flesh. Played with unerring snooty malevolence by Imelda Staunton, there are few more cathartic moments in the series than Umbridge finally getting her comeuppance.

Harry Potter taps into a lot of real life childhood fear - loss of parents, bullying, not knowing your place in the world - and many readers can likely relate to frightening teachers they’ve known. Hopefully not quite as vicious as this one, however.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)