10 Terrifying Horror Movie Outbreaks

5. Captain Trips - The Stand

Cabin Fever

Movie: The Stand (1994)

Contracted by: transmitted like the flu and 100% contagious

Symptoms: Starts as a cold, then it develops into the worst flu of your life. Expect pain, swelling, and death.

Cure: Designed to be unstoppable- there is no cure.

Project Blue is going to wipe out 99.4% of the world's population. Society is going to collapse fast with no chance for a cure. Get ready for all the rioting and looting you can handle. And, no one is cleaning up all those dead bodies.

If you live through that, now you have a choice to make: Do you join the nice lady in Nebraska? Or join the man in Las Vegas? I hear Boulder, Colorado is nice.

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A humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate