10 Terrifying Horror Movie Villains Ruined By Terrible Backstories

9. The Entity - Await Further Instructions 

Halloween 3

Await Further Instructions sees the Milgram family reunited for Christmas after years of being estranged, only to wake up one morning to find themselves locked in with their doors and windows sealed shut. Their only source of information comes from a mysterious force that relays orders to the family via their television.

The film revolves around submission and the way in which society obeys authority, so it's natural to assume the villain is going to be suited up with a backstory that reflects these themes.

It's an overall great premise that sadly misses more than hits due to wonky characters, but the compelling mystery of who or what could be behind the forced quarantine does elevate the material.

Few things are scarier than a sprawling mass of tentacles in a horror film, however instead of being the titanic force the film has been building up throughout its runtime, the Entity ends up using the middle aged Tony Milgram as a vessel and begins pleading with the family's remaining members to worship it.

This revelation that this Entity isn't the powerful and dominating villain audiences were teased with, but is instead a deity reliant on being worshipped by a couple twenty-somethings is even more depressing than the overall theme of the film itself.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.