10 Terrifying Horror Movies Set During Daylight

6. The Noonday Witch (Polednice)

The Noonday Witch Polednice

A Czech film that celebrates all things bright and beautiful, Polednice - or The Noonday Witch in English translation - takes inspiration from the Eastern-European legends that tell tale of a mysterious entity that appears in fields at midday. Where the myth is a personification of the sunstroke workers would suffer on hot days however, this noonday witch has set its sights on the young child of Eliška, and makes her intent known through swirling mystery.

Essentially the sunshine answer to The Babadook, this movie is a rumination on motherhood in the wake of losing a partner, and the fear born from wanting to protect a child so much the scales tip in to smothering. Taking all things beautiful about the Czech Republic and weaponising them against viewers, The Noonday Witch beguiles you with its golden corn and picturesque countryside - only to slap a mythological child snatcher in the middle of it that draws attention to every inky shadow lurking around the edges.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.