10 TERRIFYING Made-For-TV Horror Movies

3. The Haunted (1991)

1991s The Haunted appears to be a run of the mill, tele snooze fest about another dull American family whose lives are interrupted by a pesky ghost. When the spooky stuff arrives though, its minimal approach paves the way for some genuine scares. The Haunted has gained considerable credibility over the years for its believable portrayal of a 'true' ghost story, largely due to the presence of two names - Ed and Lorraine Warren.

Yep, you guessed it, everyone's favourite Demonologists from The Conjuring franchise show up, on film, in the early nineties, doing the now familiar "I sense a presence in this house" routine, replete with lecture hall introduction.

Objects relocate, spooky apparitions drift from room to room, whispers are heard and in an early scene, wife Janet is convinced her mother in law is calling her name. The sound is cleverly bounced from different locations, in one of the best and simplest uses of an audio effect heard in a ghost story. It's enough to put shivers down your spine and when the same gag occurs towards the climax, it works just as effectively.

Further shocks come when dad Jack (Jeffrey DeMunn and his sizeable eyebrows) is essentially raped by a fully formed female phantom, who changes form as he is helplessly pinned to the floor.

The Haunted may be a slow burn but it's the template for many modern horrors, especially from James Wan, whose Conjuring and Insidious movies borrow heavily from this unmissable, under-the-radar supernatural thriller.

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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...