10 Terrifying Monsters In Non-Horror Movies

9. The Rhino - James And The Giant Peach

Superman 3 Cyborg
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Most people know that rhinos are herbivores, meaning the chances of getting eaten by one are about the same as being devoured by an ostrich. However, that didn't stop Roald Dahl from killing off James' parents in James and The Giant Peach with one.

Naturally, when it came to adapting the book into a movie, the trauma inflicted on James from his parents being "gobbled up" by a hungry rhino had to be captured. So, this rhino needed to be scary. Well, what's scarier than a regular rhinoceros? How about a giant rhinoceros running through the sky made of clouds? Yeah, that'll do it.

This terrifying antagonist is shown frequently throughout the film, haunting James as it chases him and manifests his sorrow and fear. This metaphorical horror was certainly intense for a kids' film, with the terrifying shadowy design of the antagonist and the horrendous sound effects going some way in crafting a genuinely scary threat.

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