10 Terrifying Monsters Wasted In Terrible Horror Movies

1. The Blob - The Blob (1958)

House Of The Dead
Paramount Pictures

One of the absolute legends of the early horror genre and an infamous movie in the history of cinema, The Blob was one of the very first supernatural releases of its day. Originally named the Molten Meteor, the film was written up by Kay Linaker and Theodore Simonson almost exclusively as a film fit for teen drive-in craze of the 1950s.

This film really is as bonkers as it sounds. Set in rural Pennsylvania, the Blob emerges from a crashed meteor from outer space and quickly begins its rampage against humanity. As it consumes more and more humans, the monster starts to change its colour to a blood red and eventually grows to the size of even the biggest of buildings. Immune to everything from guns to grenades, the only way to stop this intergalatic being is the cold.

Unfortunately, whilst the film certainly does have a cult following these days, you know you have something of an issue with your release when critics in 1958 are heavily criticising the special effects for your big scary monster. Even the legendary Steve McQueen, making his debut on the silver screen, wasn't able to stand out to the critics of the time.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.