10 Terrifying Monsters Wasted In Terrible Horror Movies

5. The Gingerdead Man - The Gingerdead Man (2006)

House Of The Dead
Full Moon Entertainment

Taking the form of something plucked straight from our worst nightmares, William Butler and Domonic Muir's bakery-based baddie is the worst horror antagonist we never knew we needed.

The Gingerdead Man opens up with Millard Findlemeyer and his frenzied killing spree in a local Texas diner. He is sentenced to die by electric chair and is exec, but his crazy witch-mother then mixes his cremated ashes into a gingerbread dough and leaves it at the bakery of the woman who sent him to the chair. This disgusting looking, knife-wielding villain spends the film on the hunt for revenge, hacking, slashing and throwing people into ovens in what is easily the most bizarre series of kills you're ever likely to find.

Between the typical low-budget slasher kills we've all come to know and love and the all round disgusting look of the film's killer cookie, we're struggling to decide what looks worse.

To say that reviews of the debut appearance of the Gingerdead Man were mixed would probably be a little too generous. Bloody Good Horror's review read: "It's one of the shortest, yet hardest to watch, films I've ever seen." So whilst we're not sure if its his awful cheap look, or actually being scary, the Gingerdead Man remains a scary, if let down, horror movie villain.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.