10 Terrifying Monsters Wasted In Terrible Horror Movies

3. Ro-Man - Robot Monster (1953)

House Of The Dead
Astor Pictures

In what genuinely has to be up there in a list of the most out there movies ever conceived and put to film, Robot Monster is the story of alien robot Ro-man's mission to invade Earth and wipe out humanity.

Wyott Ording's story kicks off with Ro-man whittling humanity down to just eight survivors, one of whom he eventually falls in love with and refuses to harm.

Ro-man's leader, named the Great Guidance, is then forced to come down to Earth, kills Ro-man for refusing to harm the survivors, and attempts to bring about the end of humanity by unleashing an army of prehistoric dinosaurs and kicking off a huge earthquake. Still with us?

There's something about these timeless classics that seem to make their villains grow scarier as the years go by. Ro-man takes the form of a large gorilla in a spacesuit throughout the film, something that really shouldn't be scary in the slightest really, however his grainy quality and oversized outfit really is quite off-putting.

With such a well-crafted storyline behind it, we're really at a loss over why this has gone down as one of the worst films ever made.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.