10 Theme Park Rides Inspired By Movies We Need To Ride

2. Revenge Of The Mummy

Rotm 2 You can say what you want about the Mummy trilogy (like how for some reason all three movies are action films instead of horror), but don't knock the ride. Don't miss out on riding this one if you get to go to Universal. A deterrent that always gets people away from a ride is the line. Who wants to wait for a so-so ride, but with the mummy once you get past the door you'll be too engrossed by the spooky interior which is designed to be like an Egyptian Tomb. Once you've made it through a maze of ancient Egypt mixed with movie props the riders are loaded into a mine cart and given a pre-show about how the curse of the mummy is loose. From there things get crazy. The rest of the ride is a dark, enclosed steel roller coaster filled with surprises. Imotep shows up several times throughout the ride to tell you that your soul will soon belong to him and the mine cart at one point hits a wall which then spills sacreb beetles all over the room (if you remember from the movie, that's a really bad thing). However, what makes this ride really enjoyable is the fake ending. Yes, this will ruin the surprise if haven't ridden yet. Just when you think it's all over the mine cart stops and an attendant thanks the riders for coming along. Suddenly Imotep steps out from the shadows and kills the attendant. He then proceeds to light the room on fire (real fire) before sending you to the real exit a few more crazy heart-pounding twists and turns away leaving you feeling a little singed and wanting to ride again.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation