10 Theme Park Rides Inspired By Movies We Need To Ride

6. The Great Movie Ride

Sam 2378 It's hard not to love Hollywood Studios: The Great Movie Ride primarily because it has something to offer for everyone. Sure the beginning and ending of this ride are tributes to old Hollywood films like Singing in the Rain and Public Enemy, but what I really love about The Great Movie Ride was the fact that they included Alien, Indiana Jones, and For a Few Dollars More along the way. By doing so the designers accomplished the hard task of making the rider feel a wide range of emotions in a short span of time. While the tributes to classic films are touching and the adventure film moments exciting, the Alien and horror parts are on the other hand quite suspenseful. Like some of the other attractions on this list, this one is also interactive. As the ride passes through the different genres the audience's rafts are boarded and hijacked by both gangsters and bank robbers before the original tour guide comes back for the finish. It's funny the second time you ride, the first time it's quite unexpected. If you are a fan of old Hollywood and classic films, musicals, horror, western, sci-fi, adventure, or just a fan of movies in general than this ride like its name suggests is the one for you.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation