10 Theories That Improve The Indiana Jones Movies

6. Indiana Jones, E.T., And Star Wars Take Place In The Same Universe

Take this one with a great big grain (make it a boulder) of salt, but there has been a fan theory making the rounds for a few years now which hypothesizes that the events of Indiana Jones, E.T., and Star Wars take place in the same shared universe. Say what? This is pretty much the result of a couple of Easter Eggs which fans have read too much into. Simply put, in E.T., the titular character comes across a Yoda-costumed kid at one point and acts as if he recognizes him. Meanwhile, in the Star Wars universe, members of E.T.'s species of aliens (called Grebleips) turn up in the Galactic Senate in The Phantom Menace. Finally, in Raiders of the Lost Ark, hieroglyphs portraying R2-D2 and 3CPO are seen. The events in Star Wars took place "A long time ago" - so timeline wise, Indy could find an artefact referencing characters from that time. And who knows how long E.T.'s race has been around. So of course fans have tried to tie them all together. And admittedly, it's kind of cool, but really, these were just early Easter Eggs from before the time of DVDs (save Episode 1). Besides, this isn't the only tie-in: R2-D2 can also be found in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, yet no one seems to be suggesting that it is also part of the shared universe (at least not yet!).

Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.