10 Things About 90s Movies Everyone Misses Today

6. A Set Piece Opening Scene

A film's opening is extremely important.

Not only does it set the scene for what you're about to see, but it can also establish character, setting, and tone in one fluid motion.

The 90s had this trait down to a tee and one of the clearest examples is the opening to the Jim Carrey vehicle Ace Ventura: Pet Detective from 1994.

In it, we meet the titular character when's working as a delivery driver. He's carrying a box clearly marked fragile, but takes little to no care with what's inside of it. He throws it around, drops it, gets it stuck in an elevator door, and just starts smashing it into a post at one point.

It's all very silly and some of Carrey's trademark physical comedy, but it's more than just amusing. It establishes that the audience of this film is in for a stupid time in the best way possible. It also establishes that Ventura is a moron.

This type of scene, usually set to upbeat music, has appeared in recent cinema outings (check 2017's Baby Driver) but if you're after a vintage example, then the 90s are your best bet.

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Ace Ventura
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.