10 Things Avengers: Infinity War Must Avoid
1. Making Death Mean Nothing
Ever since Agent Coulson died in The Avengers and was brought back to life in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the MCU has had a problem fully realising the stakes of death, such that even when a character does die, fans immediately start talking about how they can be magicked back to life.
Now, Infinity War does have a huge opportunity to cement the reality of death by having Thanos absolutely ruin several prominent Avengers members, but it's easy to believe that Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamotto will end up being used as a deus ex machina device to save these fallen heroes at the start of Avengers 4.
Ending Infinity War on a cliffhanger where numerous key Avengers are dead, only to undo it the very next year, would feel incredibly cheap, lazy and predictable.
Will It Happen?: Sadly, this just makes too much sense not to happen, because while it would probably make comic book fans groan, it'd also play extremely well for more casual audiences who ultimately comprise most of the billions of dollars these movies make.
Maybe the Eye won't be able to save everyone, but you can bet that a top-tier Avenger will return from the brink of death in a big "surprise" moment, once again devaluing death as a mere inconvenience rather than a finality.
It'd be great to be wrong about this, though, and at least Marvel does have a history of subverting expectations.
What else must Avengers: Infinity War make absolute sure to avoid? Shout it out in the comments!