10 Things Avengers: Infinity War Must Avoid

8. Only Killing Off B-Tier Characters

Hawkeye Age Of Ultron
Marvel Studios

People are going to die in Infinity War, no doubt about it, but there's the justifiable fear from many fans that Marvel will take the coward's way out and only kill off peripheral Avengers and their associates who, in fairness, nobody really cares much about.

If the likes of Hawkeye and Maria Hill are the most notable casualties of Thanos' rampage, for instance, it'll be tough to care all that much. A more statuesque hero who doesn't have the benefit of a supernatural resurrection needs to die, like Captain America or Iron Man.

If not, it'll feel like a major missed opportunity to show exactly how dangerous Thanos is.

Will It Happen?: There's very little chance Infinity War ends without at least one major tragedy in the Avengers' line-up, so while a bunch of "lesser" heroes will probably comprise the bulk of the lives taken by the big purple guy, there's surely going to be an A-list loss that cuts deep before the end credits roll.

This death might even leave the movie on an agonising cliffhanger until Avengers 4.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.