10 Things You Didn't Know About Jennifer Lawrence

10. She Was A Basket Case

Jennifer Lawrence was born on August 15, 1990, in Louisville, Kentucky. Raised on a horse farm with two older brothers €“ Blaine and Ben €“ for company, her upbringing was decidedly normal. Lawrence, however, was anything but. A tomboy from the get-go, she was apparently forbidden from playing with the other girls in preschool for being too rough, with her mother Karen commenting: €œShe didn't mean to hurt them. They were just making cookies, and she wanted to play ball.€ Still, despite the best efforts of a loving family, Lawrence€™s childhood was far from a happy one. €œI was a weirdo€ is how she describes herself in her younger days, and Karen and her father Gary found a therapist to help her work through her anxiety issues and inability to fit in. The director David O. Russell, who helped mould her Oscar-winning Silver Linings Playbook performance, has spoken of a story Lawrence told him about how she would ring her own doorbell and then pretend to be someone else when her family answered, and the bizarre behaviour didn€™t stop there. Lawrence herself has recounted jumping out of the emergency exit of a moving school bus simply because she thought it would be funny and announcing to her seventh grade class that she wet the bed. Whatever her issues, from an early age it was obvious that Lawrence was someone to keep an eye on.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.