10 Things You Didn't Know About Jennifer Lawrence

3. She€™s No Size Zero

After the swathe of hacked private images posted online in recent months, Jennifer Lawrence€™s body has received far more attention than should ever have been the case. A shame really €“ her figure used to be talked about for all the right reasons. Lawrence is famously opposed to the pressure being in the spotlight places on women to fulfil unrealistic expectations of micro waists and perfect appearances. Although she€™s more than willing to make whatever commitments are necessary for her roles €“ for The Hunger Games, Lawrence spent four hours a day running, learning hand-to-hand combat and practising yoga €“ the actress would €œrather look a little chubby on camera and look like a person in real life, than to look great on-screen and look like a scarecrow in real life.€ Not one for dieting, Lawrence is €œsick of all these actresses looking like birds€ and puts her appetite where her mouth is. Prior to the 83rd Academy Awards ceremony in 2011, the actress opted for a Philly cheesesteak rather than a salad before hitting the red carpet, and the Oscars seem to bring out the junk food junkie in her. Before picking up her Best Actress Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook, Lawrence interrupted an interview to ask an assistant to grab her a Happy Meal from the McDonald€™s across the street, and her purse for this year€™s ceremony was filled with snacks.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.