10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Star Wars

8. Rey Shouldn't Have Stood A Chance Against Kylo Ren

Star Wars Vader Line

The frustration viewers felt when Kylo Ren lost in a Lightsaber duel against the newly force-sensitive Rey was well-founded. It made very little sense for a force wielder and experienced lightsaber handler at his best to lose to someone who'd barely even touched an activated blade before. But, most people forget that Kylo Ren was not at his best during this fight.

There were plenty of reasons why Ren and Rey's odds were on par. For example, bear in mind that Ren was sporting a few nasty injuries, including a side wound from Chewie's bowcaster and a slice on the arm from Finn.

He was also probably pulling his punches, as he openly told Rey he wanted to train her. Thus, killing her couldn't have been his primary intent.

Finally, while he was experienced with his lightsaber, he'd never fought a fellow force/saber wielder before, meaning it was entirely new territory for him. Let's not forget that Rey was presented as a capable fighter from the beginning, especially with her quarterstaff.

Overall, it might have felt wrong, unfair and even lame, but it's completely plausible that Rey would be able to hold her own against this emotionally and physically volatile opponent.

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