10 Things Fans Hated About Star Wars: The Last Jedi

9. Captain Phasma Being Wasted, AGAIN

Star Wars The Last Jedi Finn Phasma

After being one of the most disappointing characters in Episode VII considering how much she was built up, we were told Captain Phasma would have a much bigger role in The Last Jedi.

That… literally wasn’t the case, as instead, Gwendoline Christie’s potential-filled Stormtrooper appears for what feels only a few minutes of screen time.

As a result, many were left deflated by such a lacklustre appearance, leaving many comments online as to what was even the point of having her return at all. Thankfully, Phasma still has a fairly memorable fight with Finn, yet she’s struck down - revealing Christie’s eye underneath that helmet - only to tumble into a pit of fire, potentially killing the character for good.

With Phasma being a creation of JJ Abrams in the first place, it’s back over to him to see if she reappears in Episode IX.

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