10 Things Hotly Anticipated Films Need To Get Right In 2016

3. Captain America: Civil War Needs To Kill Off Steve Rogers

Captain America: Civil War sees Captain America and Tony Stark come to violent blows over their differing stances on the demand that all superheroes go public with their identity. Both have a range of super-supporters, and many expect the film to be a sort of mini-Avengers movie €“ and based on the trailers, that certainly looks to be the case. Another thing that fans expect (hope?) is that Marvel will kill off Chris Evans' Steve Rogers. At the minute, though, the chances of this happening are still very much up in the air. Throughout the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel have been incredibly, frustratingly reluctant to put any of its main characters in actual danger. At this point, the number of characters who have €œdied€ only to be €œshockingly€ revealed as alive minutes later or at the close of the movie is slightly ridiculous. Marvel just doesn't want to render an entire line of merchandise outdated by killing off a main character. That's all well and good, but the dramatic stakes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films have immensely suffered because of it. Now, when a character appears to be dead, you just don't feel anything, because it's a guarantee they'll show up again a bit later. As Marvel struggles to keep its films fresh and interesting (exploring different genres and tones like in Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Ant-Man) it really needs to create some genuine dramatic tension. The most effective way of doing this would be during Captain America: Civil War. Fans of the comics know that things don't work out too well for Steve Rogers following the events of Civil War, so it would make complete sense to kill off the character. The death of even one main player would create more shock than every €œthey're not actually dead!€ reveal across the entire Cinematic Universe.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.