10 Things Justice League Can Learn From Wonder Woman

7. Romance Can Work In The DCEU

Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Chris Pine
Warner Bros.

Romance in the DCEU to date has been, well, not great. Man of Steel's Clark-Lois romance was pretty so-so, and then Suicide Squad's love-in between Rick Flag and June Moone was basically a total trainwreck. This isn't an area Marvel has been particularly good at either, in fairness.

But then Wonder Woman came along and gave audiences a genuinely believable, involving romance between Diana and Steve Trevor, one that didn't feel forced, had the requisite character development put into it, and actually had a payoff people cared about.

With The Flash telling Bruce Wayne that Lois is the key in BvS, it seems probable that her love story with Clark will be a big part of both Justice League films, so it really needs to be significantly punched up if it's going to be remotely effective.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.