10 Things Learned From Re-Watching Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

8. The Most Disappointing Space Battle Of The Saga

Phantom Menace Podrace

It simply would not be a Star Wars adventure without a couple of heroic starships clashing with the enemy among the stars. But during what is otherwise a properly thrilling closing act, it's this chunk of action that unfortunately lets the side down a little when returning to the Battle of Naboo.

The Gungan collision with the Trade Federation droids on the fields below boasts an entrance from the latter that will have your hairs standing up even 25 years on. And even the sillier and more cartoonish aspects of the explosive ground fight aren't as eye-rolling as they once were when compared to "They Fly Now!" and Canto Bight sequels nonsense.

And we'll get to that duel, don't worry.

But while the space-set piece of the battle does at least give a young 'Chosen One' something meaningful to do as he takes out the baddies' command ship, the entire sequence just feels and looks dull compared to pretty much every other enthralling space showdown we've been treated to in this franchise over the decades - a Death Star run or Battle of Coruscant this is not.

None of it is particularly memorable or shot in a way that forces you onto the edge of your seat, with there also being no real tension present at any point due to not caring about many of the forgettable Naboo pilots and Skywalker's survival being guaranteed.  

Ultimately, these space sequences leave yourself longing for the sound of lightsabers clashing and Boomas smashing into vehicles even if the N1 Starfighters themselves are stunning to look at.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...