10 Things Learned From Re-Watching Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

3. Remembering That Ratts Tyerell’s Family Watched Him Die In The Podrace

Phantom Menace Podrace

Oh, and while on the subject of Episode I's epic race sequence, a rewatch brings with it one hell of a grim piece of information that had likely been lying dormant in your mind for an age.

You see, as the race heats up, there's a point there where a little Aleena pilot by the name of Ratts Tyerell unfortunately crashed in the middle of the Laguna Caves - a moment which tragically kills him right there and then.

Anyone who treated themselves to the deleted scenes found on that aforementioned DVD release of The Phantom Menace will likely have remembered a detail during the rewatching of this moment on the big-screen that makes that occurrence even more traumatising.

Tyerell's whole family had actually come along to watch the guy do his thing in a pod, meaning that his wife and kids were very much present on the day he shockingly bit the dust on Tatooine.

A film for children, this was... apparently.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...