10 Things Marvel Wants You To Forget About The MCU

5. The Interference Of The Marvel Creative Committee

marvel studios antman edgar wright
Marvel Studios

Although Kevin Feige is the head creative honcho at Marvel, he still has people to answer to. While now he has more freedom than ever, for the first five years of the studio's life, every movie went through the Marvel Creative Committee, a team of creatives from TV, Film and Comics who would give notes and suggest changes to every project.

While this could have been great in theory - after all, it included veterans like Brian Michael Bendis and Joe Quesada - it allegedly made making these films even more creatively limiting.

Not only were the notes given by the MCC basic and often preoccupied with inconsequential details like the precise science of every fantastical item and weapon, but it took them an age to actually get around to dealing them out, adding needless roadblocks to the production.

The bullheaded changes the MCC would demand is part of why Edgar Wright was so frustrated developing Ant-Man, leaving the project just before filming after receiving last-minute notes.

They've since been taken off the movie side of Marvel, but still have control over their TV output, including the Netflix shows. If you ever wondered why the likes of Daredevil haven't yet appeared in a movie, it's because of this rift between the Marvel upper-echelons.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3