10 Things You Need To Know About SPECTRE

7. They're Sneaky Buggers

That's just one of the many sneaky tricks SPECTRE have pulled off during their long career of bothering James Bond whilst avoiding detection from the rest of the world's intelligence services. Their logo may be based around an octopus, but they operate more like a shark, never staying long in one place. Throughout the films and books their central base of operations has shifted from a physical headquarters in Paris to its own SPECTRE Island training base. Then there was that volcano hang out from You Only Live Twice. That was pretty rad. Even if it was susceptible to attack from hordes of ninjas trained by the Japanese secret service. SPECTRE have always been more than a match for MI6 because, essentially, they're the equal and opposite equivalent of the intelligence agency. They are just as secretive, if not more so, with operatives working covertly all over the world; they have their own version of Q branch, thanks to physicist Kotze and electronics expert Maslov included in the group for their expertise on scientific and technical matters; they're funded by multiple different sources, including several world governments on different occasions. And they do all that whilst remaining under the radar of the wider intelligence community for the most part, causing them to never really be defeated by Bond. They may be the craftiest, most resourceful villain Craig's 007 has come up against yet.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/